News & Events

Hoover Institution Interview

Panel with Wilbur Ross

“A Kiwi in the White House,” The Agenda with Steve Paikin 

“Reimagining How the White House and Presidential Transitions Function,” Advancing the Agenda

The key to a good presidency is a ‘fast start’: Chris Liddell on Fox News (Watch)

Chris Liddell on Fixing the Presidency (Year Zero) (interview with Bruce Mehlman)

Converging Dialogues interviewed Christopher Liddell

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Christopher Liddell was a guest on The Monica Crowley Podcast

The Washington Examiner featured Christopher Liddell and Year Zero in “Ex-Trump chief makes case for five-year presidency, starting with Year Zero

“What he is proposing in his book, published by the University of Virginia Press, is a transition that runs in parallel with a presidential campaign. He is calling on candidates to set up a small shop initially to consider who to hire, map out a first-year agenda, and propose the legacy that the candidate wants to leave.”

Read the full article

Former Trump administration White House deputy chief of staff Christopher Liddell proposed a new transition period for incoming presidents that would start the year before they take office. He discussed the idea with experts on presidential transitions at a University of Virginia Miller Center event.

Christopher Liddell was a guest on The Larry Kudlow Show

Christopher Liddell participated in The Miller Center’s “Toward a more responsible and effective presidency”


